Better than we found it


Meet HD2 Representative

Steven Woodrow


I fight for social, racial, environmental and economic justice down at the Capitol.

For the past three legislative Sessions it has been my honor to represent House District 6 here in Denver. Now that redistricting has occurred, it is an honor to be the Democratic Party’s nominee for the new House District 2! 

I know what it’s like to legislate, to scrutinize proposed bills and work with my colleagues, including those across the aisle, to address our most urgent needs–and to do so in frankly unprecedented times. Through my service as Vice-Chairman of the House Committee on State Civic Military and Veterans Affairs and through my service on the House Judiciary Committee I’ve helped pass bills strengthening our Gold Standard mail in ballot system, addressing our gun violence crisis, and securing hundreds of millions of dollars for affordable housing.  

I’ve spent my legal career representing workers and consumers in complex lawsuits against powerful interests (including the NRA!). I have a detailed understanding of law and policy and unwavering resolve. I’m simply not afraid to compete in the marketplace of ideas in the face of well-funded opposition.

I also know the District. We have some of the best schools, neighborhoods, hospitals, restaurants, and bike trails in the City. I know what we’re capable of when we join together and push for what we believe in. We’re smart, resourceful, and we care very deeply. We care about schools, the environment, and addressing gun violence. Most of all, we care about the world we’re leaving behind for our children and grandchildren.  

In everything we do we ask are we leaving things #BetterThanWeFoundIt? Here in Colorado our access to the great outdoors truly sets us apart. One of my favorite activities is camping and my sons know that Rule Number 1, just before having fun, is that we leave the campsite better than we found it. Not just as good, but better, so that the next group that comes along has the same opportunities we’ve had.

Having lived in Wash Park for over a decade, I love to speak to neighbors and fellow parents about issues concerning them and their kids. We are a smart, resourceful, and caring bunch, reflecting the very best of what Denver has to offer. Contact our campaign if you have any questions about the District or your precinct.


Our values



Housing is a human right. Coloradans across all income spectrums are experiencing our affordable housing crisis. In my time down at the Capitol, I have been laser focused on sustainable housing abundance, tenants’ rights, and solutions to address homelessness. I’ve sponsored legislation..

GUn Violence Prevention

As a Nation, gun violence has been a horrific policy failure. Since coming into the legislature I have sponsored and helped pass multiple gun violence prevention bills..


Man made climate change is real and represents a threat to our national security. Clean air, water, and soil are essential for our economic survival and the well-being of our communities...

colorado house district 2

Contact our campaign if you have any questions about the District or your precinct.


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